Saturday, May 13, 2006

Aleutian Islands Cruise 2004

Two weeks on the M/V Tiglax, starting at Dutch Harbor and ending at Adak.
3 stops: Bogoslof, Chagulak and Kasatochi Islands.
I had the amazing experience of working with 4 out of 5 of my M.S. committee members on this trip. We collected fat and blood samples from seabirds for a fatty acid and horomone analysis. .. loads of fun.


2-headed gorilla house in Unalaska

the gang:
Sara, Sasha, Taya, Alan & Scott

All you can eat king crab!!!
piling it in before the trip at the Grand Aleutian

crew getting dropped off on Bogoslof I.

Northern Fur Seals


Scott fishing for murres

Sasha & Taya

Sasha & Shiway processing murres

Would you like fries with your Red-legged Kittiwake?

Cliffs of Chagulak Island

Steep hiking on Chagulak Island

Shiway & Scott scrambling for fulmars

skiff ride!

Alan setting noose carpets

bird in the mistnet

'Joe' the Crested Auklet

processing birds
Taya & auklets

Sara on the Tiglax

Sara, Sasha & Taya checking out the plankton

P. cod!

Taya & her halibut!

fulmars in the water



The crew leaving Adak